Curtis Financial Services as Your Investment Professional

As your investment professional, it will be our objective to help you preserve and grow your hard-earned assets. To give your long-term financial plan the best chances of success, you’re going to need access to some of the world’s leading money managers and mutual fund managers. We can assemble the top independent money managers and mutual fund managers from around the globe, and put them to work for you in a single portfolio. It is that simple. We offer extraordinary access and expertise with regard to choosing the best managers of individual performing mutual funds to build a flexible asset allocation plan and creating a diversified portfolio designed to help meet your individual financial goals. We will not only be able to use no-load mutual funds in your portfolio, but loaded mutual funds as well, with the loads waived due to having a managed account. We take a hands-on approach to helping choose the mutual funds that will meet your investment objectives. We will also be using individual bonds and stocks to enhance our positions at times. Knowing the best way to combine management style can be complicated. The key is to combine complimentary management styles for optimum results. Together we can build a portfolio with the goal of withstanding varying market climates and at the same time help meet your personal investment objectives. We will review your investment portfolio with you each quarter to discuss varying market conditions and to smooth out any harsh impact from market volatility. We will review the performance of your managers and make you aware of any manager changes. We will assist you in rebalancing your portfolio to make sure you continue to be on-track with your investment strategy.

Sub Advisors

We are also fortunate to be able to hire sub-advisers' who complement our investment style with additional expertise in managed futures, alternative investments and hedged investment portfolios.

Investment Communication

Each week, we send out a short and to the point market news letter to all of our clients. At times we send out commentaries stating our latest thoughts on investment allocation as well as the financial markets and economy. As needed, we call to update our clients on the state of the financial markets, our investment outlook and our strategic response.

Client Account Access

Clients are able to access their account online through a password protected portal. Clients are able to review their account holdings, performance and tax information at this site.